Our American Oak: A Fond Farewell and New Beginnings

Recently, we had to fell two trees at Gatchell Oaks, home of the Amica Care Support Office. These trees, under preservation orders, held significant importance, which is why we are committed to planting replacements of similar size and type later this year.

While the loss of these trees is bittersweet, it has opened up an opportunity for us to support our local community. We were delighted to collaborate with Wellington’s Court Fields School on their Forest project. Last week, students and staff from the school arrived in their minibus to collect some of the wood and chippings from the felled trees.

The excitement and enthusiasm of the students were evident as they gathered materials for their project. It was heartwarming to see the wood and chippings being repurposed in a way that supports environmental education and hands-on learning. The school may even return for more chippings, further extending the life and legacy of our trees.

In addition to supporting the school, we have partnered with the Trull Parish Council to find an artist who can sculpt the trunk of the American oak. This collaboration aims to transform a part of the felled tree into a beautiful, lasting piece of art that will be enjoyed by the community for years to come.

These initiatives not only aid the school's and the community's projects but also align with our commitment to sustainability and local engagement. We look forward to seeing the fruits of these efforts and continuing to support green and creative endeavours in our community.